Today, Implant Treatment is the most preferred treatment method that provides a long-lasting natural appearance instead of our own teeth and improves our quality of life. As such, when the demand and demand is so high, confusing results may arise. In this article, we will try to answer all the questions you have in mind. For any unanswered questions you have in mind, you can contact our team in the Contact Area and get an expert opinion.
What is an implant?
Implant is a titanium-coated medical product that is surgically implanted into the jawbone or skull bones to support dental prostheses such as crowns, bridges, removable dentures, facial prostheses or to use as fixed support in orthodontic treatments.
How is an implant tooth applied?
Implant Tooth Construction; They are screws made of titanium used in the treatment of missing teeth and placed inside the jawbone. Dental prosthesis is attached on these screws. The advantage of implant treatment over other treatments is that the adjacent teeth are not damaged. In other words, neighboring teeth do not need to be cut.
Does an implant tooth hurt a lot?
The benefits of implant treatment and the rapid healing process make patients forget the small amount of discomfort that will be experienced during the operation. Local anesthesia is applied to the patient before the implant operation, which is a surgical procedure. Therefore, the patient does not feel any pain or ache during the surgical procedure and the procedure is performed comfortably.
How is an implant tooth placed?
With tiny drills that pierce the bone, the socket is first prepared from thin to thick and the implant is placed. In the meantime, the gum can be cut and removed. It can also be done by fully exposing the bone and seeing it. Or a small hole is drilled, which we call a closed operation, and the implant is placed through that hole and this procedure can also be performed without stitches.
In how many sessions is implant dental treatment performed?
Screws are inserted into the whole mouth on the same day if there is no problem in the jawbone and no additional operation is required. After waiting 3 months for the implant to fuse, after the implant is integrated with the bone, one or two sessions of prosthesis are applied. As a result of implant treatment, which will take a maximum of 4 months in general, people now have teeth that are very close to their natural teeth.
Does the state hospital make implant teeth?
If there is unilateral free-ending edentulism in the upper and lower jaw; implant dental treatment is covered by the state. Although the treatment costs of patients with congenital tooth deficiency are covered by the state, it may not be possible to get the desired result as fast as in private clinics due to the intensity and pandemic process.
How many implants are placed on the same day?
12 – 16 implants can be placed in one day. Correct placement is very important in the construction of implant teeth to be applied to the upper and lower jaws of the patient. For example, it is necessary to implant the upper jaw 10 days after 6 implants are placed in the lower jaw. In some cases, implant teeth can be placed in the upper and lower jaws at the same time, the most important point is that this procedure should be performed by a maxillofacial surgeon.
How much is 1 dental implant?
Single tooth implant price, implant treatment price differs in the back area where aesthetics are not at the forefront. The superstructure in the back teeth can be provided with different materials, and the price of a single tooth implant in the upper jaw, where aesthetics are important, will be slightly higher. Zirconium coating should be preferred. For the best planning price, measurement of the jaw bone structure is required. You can contact us to make an appointment. You can get price information and have detailed information about brands.
How many implants are needed for a mouth with no teeth?
We need 6-8 implants in the upper jaw to make fixed prosthesis in completely toothless mouths. In the lower jaw, between 5-8 implants provide us with the resistance and carrying capacity we want. You can have your oral care checked by our specialist dentists every 6 months.
Can local implants be used?
This is one of the most common questions we receive. Implants can be safe even if they are local, but the most important difference here arises in the connections of the teeth to be placed on the implants with the implant. Such problems can of course be corrected, but it is preferable to use safer implants to reduce these problems. Even if the implant brand you prefer is local, it must be experienced in this field.
In which cases is an implant tooth not preferred?
In implant treatment for tooth deficiencies, an aesthetic and healthy tooth structure is created without damaging the healthy teeth. Implant treatment can be applied to the upper and lower jaws, to people who cannot use dentures as a result of bone resorption or to those who have lost their molars.
Can implants be applied immediately after tooth extraction?
Again, one of the most frequently asked questions is implant treatment after extraction; thanks to new treatment methods, the procedure can now be performed without waiting for patients to recover for 3-6 months. In patients with a healthy jaw structure and bone tissue, there is no harm in applying implant treatment immediately after extraction.