Tooth Whitening

White teeth are important for hygiene, self-confidence and aesthetic appearance in daily life. However, in addition to physiological reasons, white teeth can be replaced by discoloration due to different reasons such as smoking, antibiotic use, coffee and tea consumption. These discolorations on the teeth can be whitened with different teeth whitening methods performed in office and home environment. With the necessary attention and care, tooth whiteness can be maintained for a long time. A specialist should be consulted about teeth whitening and personalized treatment methods should be applied.

Tooth Whitening

Is teeth whitening difficult to apply?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not difficult to have ideal teeth whiteness. You can eliminate the discoloration of the teeth with teeth whitening (bleaching) and you have the opportunity to have whiter teeth. Teeth whitening is different from polishing after scaling. In tooth whitening application, the color tone of the tooth itself can differ by 2-3 tones. Teeth whitening can be applied with different methods such as office bleaching, which is applied by the dentist in an office environment, and home bleaching, which the patient can apply at home with gels containing lower bleaching agents thanks to a transparent plaque given to the patient with the measurements taken from the patient. In addition, products such as whitening toothpaste and mouthwash, which are not under the control of a physician and which we call over the counter, which patients can obtain from pharmacies, can be used as support for these applications.

However, the effect of these products is very low compared to the whitening process under the supervision of a physician, it would be a better choice to use it with the advice of a physician after whitening under the supervision of a physician.

Tooth Whitening

Whitening procedures may cause some sensitivity in the teeth. This sensitivity can be to the weather, very hot or cold foods and drinks. This is a normal and expected side effect. Tooth sensitivity is usually expected to disappear within 24 – 48 hours. In case of an unexpected situation, a physician should be consulted. Whitening done under the control of a dentist does not harm the teeth.

Can Teeth Whitening be done at home?

You can find hundreds of different whitening applications on the internet, such as teeth whitening with baking soda, teeth whitening with turmeric, teeth whitening with coconut oil, teeth whitening with strawberries, teeth whitening with aluminum foil, teeth whitening with lemon, teeth whitening with apple cider vinegar, teeth whitening with walnut shell and teeth whitening with bleach. However, such substances do nothing to whiten teeth and cause irreversible damage and sensitivity on the teeth. It should definitely not be preferred.

In the period of 1.5 – 2 weeks after the teeth whitening procedure, different treatments such as fillings and coatings should not be applied to the teeth where the procedure is applied. Because the bleaching medication is still working, the retention of these restorations will be slightly lower. This application is not recommended for pregnant women and baby teeth. For more information, please contact Üsküplü Oral and Dental Health Specialists.