In general terms, orthodontics can be described as a branch of science that controls the harmonious relationships of crowded teeth, intervenes in this situation, prevents and treats it.
What causes orthodontic problems and how to treat them?
Disorders such as the lower jaw being in front or behind are decided on the treatment method by taking into account the age of the patient. If the patient is in adolescence and the upper and lower jaw structure is behind, treatment is provided with orthodontic techniques. However, if the patient is an adult, the treatment of skeletal disorder is performed in cooperation with orthodontics and surgery. Due to functional disorders, for example; jaw incompatibility can be observed in cases such as mouth breathing. In a mouth breather, the upper part of the jaw will be V-shaped as it will remain narrow.
Although orthodontic treatment has a history of 22 – 32 years, it was actually thought that teeth could be moved much earlier. In 600 AD, Paulus Aegineta said that excess teeth could be effective in distorting the shape of the teeth. And he observed that the correct shape could be obtained by reducing the teeth. The first foundation of orthodontics was provided to inform people with the books that emerged between 1723 and 1730 with Pierre Fauchard. The first orthodontic device in history was made in 1723. In this way, simple tooth movements were observed. Later, with its research and development, it has become a reliable and good branch of dentistry until today. There are also pictures related to this branch in Egypt.
Today, this branch, which is progressing in a very professional way, is applied with various treatment methods for patients of all ages.
During treatment, the appliances that will be placed in your mouth may bother you during the day, although not always. However, your doctor will tell you what you need to apply the necessary advice for this.