Dental Implant
The aim of our specialists is always first and foremost to keep your natural teeth in your mouth. However, even when a single tooth is extracted, the natural balance is disrupted and the loss of teeth accelerates. Implants are preferred in such cases as a very special solution that will allow you to smile beautifully and eat with pleasure by providing the closest force balance to your own teeth.
Implant Treatment
In which cases is Implant Treatment applied?
In the upper and lower jaws where there are no teeth, in cases where the patient cannot use the intraoral prosthesis as a result of excessive bone resorption, the prosthesis is placed on the implants to increase the retention. In the case of missing molars, if there are missing teeth in the posterior region, patients are treated with a fixed bridge on several implants instead of a removable partial denture.
In long edentulous gaps, the long shafts of the bridges are problematic. The support and durability of long bridges can be increased with one or several implants to be applied to the edentulous area. In case of loss of a single tooth, a single implant can be placed in place of the missing tooth without the need to reduce the teeth on either side of the missing tooth, and a single crown can be placed over it.
How does the implant treatment process progress?
Implant application is the most widely used painless application today. First, the application area is numbed with local anesthesia, a slot is prepared in the bone where the implant will be placed and the implant is placed. After the implant is placed, the screws that will remain on the implant during the healing period are placed and waited for the healing period.
In order for dental implants to remain healthy against the pressures caused by chewing, they must fully fuse with the jawbone. This period varies according to the type of operation, the region, the age and health status of the patient. After the operation, a period of at least 5 weeks and up to 3 months is required for the construction of permanent prostheses. In bone insufficiency, the waiting time may be longer for implants placed in areas where new bone has been formed. Then measurements are taken and the planned superstructure is applied.
Is the implant installed in 1 day?
90% Success in the First Application
For those who wonder how long implant treatment lasts, it should be said that this period varies depending on the patient’s general oral, dental and jaw health, the number of teeth to be implanted, and the treatments required with the implant. Implant treatment, which takes an average of 3 – 6 months, varies according to the expertise of the doctor and the methods used. Implant treatment may take longer or shorter.
We tried to answer your question about how implant treatment is done. If you want to get information about implant treatment and implant applications of our experts, you can contact our experts.
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In how many missing teeth is Implant Treatment applied?
Implant treatment is successfully applied in cases of single tooth deficiency, multiple tooth deficiency.
Which physicians can perform Implant Treatment?
It should be applied by cakes specializing in this field. Physicians specialized in Jaw Surgery Implants should be preferred.
Can a patient using prosthesis use an implant?
Patients can get rid of their prostheses after implant treatment. They can continue their lives by improving their quality of life.