Zirconium coating has recently been applied as a dental coating method recommended by dentists in order to achieve an aesthetic appearance on the face and to make oral and dental functions more functional. Zirconium Tooth has generally manifested itself in the form of porcelain veneers from past years to the present day. Dental Veneers are made in two different areas. Different coating methods have started to be produced with “metal-supported dental coating” and “non-metal-supported dental coating”. Zirconium tooth coating is one of them and is preferred as the most preferred tooth coating method of recent years.
The reason why zirconium tooth coating is preferred over other methods is its advantages. First of all, this coating method, which is closest to natural teeth, offers an aesthetic appearance.
There is no metal application in its structure. It is preferred as the type of veneer with the highest compatibility with the structure of natural teeth. There is no gum recession after the veneer is applied. Since it is a type of coating that can be applied at any age, its usage areas are wider.
Zirconium dental veneers are among the more popular procedures of recent times. We apply more frequently for our patients with aesthetic concerns. The veneer procedure, which we can also apply on decaying teeth, broken and crooked teeth, is suitable for all age groups.
As Üsküplü Dental dental clinic, you can be sure that you will benefit from the service we offer you in the highest quality way. Thanks to our friendly and expert physicians, you can happily have the teeth of your dreams.
Zirconium tooth coating application is a material that can last for a long time. If oral and dental care is performed regularly and controls are not interrupted, zirconium dental veneers can remain undamaged for many years.
Dental veneers made of zirconium do not have a specified lifetime. Since teeth are living tissues, they may wear down due to a certain amount of use. There is no change in teeth with zirconium crowns. Veneers will be long-lasting when regular dental check-ups are also performed.